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What are SAF’s anodizing finish order codes?

Use this chart to reference SAF Anodized Finish options when ordering anodized aluminum extrusions & sheet, or toll anodizing from SAF. SAF uses these finish codes with SAF purchased aluminum extrusions & sheet, and customer-furnished aluminum parts.  We call finishing customer-furnished parts…

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Why use 5005 aluminum sheet?

SAF has the largest inventory of 5005 aluminum sheet in North America and maybe the world.  Pick a thickness below to see SAF’s aluminum sheet size options, get a quote. » 5005 Aluminum Sheet 0.032 » 5005 Aluminum Sheet 0.040 » 5005 Aluminum…

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Does SAF export to France?

Bienvenue à vous chers clients internationaux! SAF distribue et produit de l’aluminium à travers les Etats Unis mais également dans d’autres régions du monde. Nous sommes les leaders mondiaux d’aluminium anodisé  utilisé à des fins architecturales. Nos principaux produits exportés…

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Does SAF export to the UK?

SAF distributes and processes aluminum throughout North America and other parts of the world. We are the world leader in anodizing for architectural use. Our products for export are primarily as follows: Aluminum Alloy 5005 Anodized or Mill Finished Anodized…

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Does SAF export to Brazil?

Saudações aos nossos clientes do Brasil! A SAF distribui e processa alumínio em todos os EUA e em outras partes do mundo.  Nós somos os líderes mundiais em anodização de uso arquitetônico.  Nossos produtos para exportação são os seguintes: Liga…

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Does SAF export to China?

尊敬的中国客户 美國鋁材公司SAF 的各类产品畅销全美国各地和世界其他地区。我们的建筑用阳极 氧化产品在世界处于领先地位。我们从美国出口的产品如下 1. 5005铝合金阳极氧化质量AQ 卷材0.5 – 3毫米 2. 5005铝合金阳极氧化质量AQ 板材0.5-5毫米 3. 阳极氧化膜厚度可达25微米。 SAF阳极氧化膜的处理和加工均精益求精以保证其颜色均匀一致。所有的阳极氧化加工均 在SAF的设施内完成其中包括自然色、铜色和金黄色。凭借我们60多年的经验我们可 以对建筑师和设计师就铝制品阳极氧化的所有规格提供建议。我们既提供阳极氧化卷材又 提供阳极氧化板材。我们建议对大多数整齐划一的工程采用5005合金对需要最理想电 镀效果的镀件采用AAMA 611。 为了最优的质量和色泽我们建议对电镀厚度超过8微米的电镀件、对焊接组件 均应先加工后电镀以防止加工可能造成的皲裂或裂纹实现最大限度的电镀件质量 保护和所有表面的美观。SAF也有先进的自动化制造设备我们既可以提供原材料的阳极 氧化处理也可以提供加工件和成品的阳极氧化处理。我们恪守一步到位的服务原则。 请访问我们的网站看看我们的预制墙板梁柱包装和水槽制品。我们的所有产品均可 由CAD和BIM的文件下载。我们还有氟碳喷涂设施我们产销诸如Alpolic, Alucobond 和Reynobond 的ACM产品。 凡是中国、香港、和澳门的客户请就您的铝材需要与我们的总代理联系 深圳市正和时代建材有限公司 深圳市深南大道12069号 海岸时代大厦东座2908室 海岸时代大厦东座2908室 邮编518051

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Does SAF export to Spain?

Saludos a todos nuestros clientes internacionales! SAF distribuye y procesa aluminio tanto en los Estados Unidos como en otras partes del mundo. Somos los lideres mundiales en el proceso de aluminio anodizado para uso arquitectonico.Nuestros productos de exportación son principalmente…

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Who do I contact at SAF for international sales?

SAF distributes and processes aluminum throughout North America and other parts of the world. We are the world leader in anodizing for architectural use. Our products for export are primarily Aluminum Alloy 5005 Anodizing Quality (AQ) Coil (0.5-3mm) Aluminum Alloy…

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What is the SAF Next Day Out policy?

We will ship out these types of orders the next day: All prefinished/coil coated sheet orders Custom sheet orders less than 10 sheets Anodized extrusion orders less than $5,000

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